
American Television Can Help Improve Language Skills

While traveling in Europe, I couldn’t help noticing how many people are comfortable and fluent in American English.  Upon further investigation, I learned that a most have acquired English fluency through watching American sitcoms and movies and picking up the ‘’flow’’ of casual conversation.  To improve your fluency and comprehension of any language, take advantage of your tv.  For casual conversation, watching sitcoms is great, but when you really want to polish your business and professional English for a greater career advantage,  tune in to your local news broadcasts.  American broadcasters are ‘’the people from nowhere’’ with no recognizable accent of any kind.  Their grammar, diction, and presentation skills are excellent models for those seeking to improve their fluency and comfort with American English.  Watch for speech patterns, intonations, and body language as well as for vocabulary and grammar and you will quickly improve the quality of your spoken communication. As a bonus, you will also be able to model the correct pronunciation of many local place names, which are only known by the locals.  An example?  NEWark in New Jersey but newARK in Delaware.