February 2016
Does Learning Spanish Make $en$e For Managers?
The Spanish you learned in high school or college is not the tool you need to manage employees whose first language is Spanish. Academic programs, even for the most advanced students, do not include the vocabulary of the workplace; essential terminology to effectively manage Spanish-speaking workers and keep them safe.There are many reasons why investing time and dollars to equip managers and supervisors with essential Spanish communication tools make economic sense. Here are the most common:
- To improve compliance with safety and other policies
- To boost worker productivity by improving comprehension
- To ensure worker understanding of pay and benefits
- To prevent errors and waste resulting from poor worker understanding
- To enhance communication between workers and managers
- To improve recruitment and retention
- To avoid compromising privacy in HR interactions
The short-term nature of this instruction is far less disruptive of production schedules than are the longer term ESL classes which would be necessary to reach the same level of mutual understanding between worker and supervisor. Does this practical solution make sense for solving language barrier issues in your workplace?
Spanish for Managers and Supervisor classes can be customized for larger companies and brought to your location. You may also enroll individual supervisors or business owners in classes hosted at our location. Please contact us for details.